Regresa #CRMIdol - Gran oportunidad para proveedores de América Latina y España
Regresa #CRMIdol - Gran oportunidad para proveedores de América Latina y España
El certamen de CRM Idol regresa en el 2013.
CRM Idol ya ha sido establecido como el evento de la industria para startups o negocios que están creciendo y ofrecen soluciones de CRM o Social CRM. El evento es la gran oportunidad de presentar a tu empresa a un jurado internacional de analistas de CRM (en donde tengo el honor de regresar por tercera vez).
Durante los primeros 2 certámenes empresas de CRM de la región han participado, como BlitzCRM, Soluciona y Rock Solid, entre otras. Estos tres proveedores han sido semi-finalistas representado muy bien a la región. El propósito final de este certamen no es de realmente de ganar pero de poder participar del proceso en donde tendrás la oportunidad de exponer a tu solución, tener un mentor, hacer networking... y lo mas importante aprender de como posicionar a tu empresa en la industria.
We've had quite a ride up to now. None of us ever realized that this competition would get this important to the CRM and social markets. In the 2 completed years, eight of the participants have been acquired,
several others gone on to a great deal of success and many others far more visible than they had ever been before they began. Many have ongoing relationships to the CRM community that wouldn't have been possible without their participation.
This year we expect the largest group of applications in our history and we expect that we will see innovations that will delight and excite us and the market place at large. We expect some ups and downs as every year and in the end we expect that we'll see companies from the customer facing world emerge and flourish, which is the whole purpose of this contest.
So, if you're interested in participating, welcome! Just follow three simple instructions.
Make sure you thoroughly read the rules and the instructions for CRM Idol 2013 on this website. Make a point of it so you can be certain that you qualify and, if you do, you are doing exactly as asked by the judges.
Request a registration form from us at
Fill it out and send it to The faster you do this the better since there are limited slots and ties go to the timely.
Also, spend a little time with Andrew Yates, CEO of Artesian Solutions and Brandon Evans, CEO of Crowdtap,
both of last year's winners, and read their tips and hints on how to do
well in CRM Idol 2013. There's some great advice there.
So, let's get this party started!!
Welcome everyone, to another season of CRM Idol!!